Website Editor
Website Editor Director: Emmanuel Trizac, President of the ENS de Lyon.
CNIL Declaration*: this site was recorded in the ENS de Lyon Register of Processing Operations by the appointed Data Protection Officer. In accordance with the deliberation n°2006-138 of May 9, 2006 determining the exemption from the declaration of information for disclosure purposes or external purposes (Exemption n°7), this site is exempt from the declaration of the CNIL.
*CNIL: Commission Nationale Informatique et Liberté = national data protection authority for France.
Hosting: ENS de Lyon, 15 parvis René Descartes, BP 7000, 69342 Lyon Cedex 07
Content writing: Prometheus' Team
IT Development, Graphics and CSS integration, Deployment and technical monitoring: DUNES - ENS de Lyon
Photo credits:
The information on this site is subject to a non-liability clause.
The use of the site qualifies as acceptance of the terms below.
Information Systems Charter
The use of the Internet, networks and computing resources within ENS de Lyon is subject to the application of the Information Systems Charter.
Personal Information
When data present on this site is of a personal nature, users must make use of it within the conformity of the regulations in force and notably the recommendations of the national data protection authority for France (CNIL). More specifically, this information must be used for personal, associative or professional use, any dissemination or use for commercial or advertising purposes is excluded.
According to French law (Article 27 of the law n° 78.17 of 6 January 1978 relating to IT data, files and freedom), you have the right to oppose (art. 26) access (art. 34 to 38), rectification (art. 36) and the suppression of data that concerns you.
You can exercise this right by electronic mail sent to communicationens-lyon [dot] fr (communication[at]ens-lyon[dot]fr) or by post at the following address: ENS de Lyon, Communication Department - 15 parvis René Descartes - BP 7000 - 69342 Lyon Cedex 07.
Pupils with Civil Servant Status and Student Alumni
ENS de Lyon transmits certain personal data of the Alumni (both Pupils with Civil Servant Status and Students) to the CEREQ ( for survey purposes on the subject of the integration of young people. All persons concerned may oppose the use of their data by contacting the CEREQ, if and when contacted by them.
Links to other sites
When links are provided to other sites, their content is not covered by the responsibility for content of the ENS de Lyon site. Each time, we endeavor to make it clear which site is being used and make regular checks and if necessary, corrections, to present accurate and up-to-date information.
Reproduction rights
Generally, copyright and intellectual property legislation applies to the whole of this site. In particular:
- For strictly private use, the reproduction of the content is free;
- Within the communication framework, publication or other actions of professional use, only short quotes are authorized, subject to mentioning the origin by a link towards the quoted page (or, failing that, the homepage) or, in the case of a reproduction on physical media, with the mention of the author and the URL address on the quoted page.
- All other reproduction or representation, integral or substantial of the content of this site, by any means, must be subject to authorization.
For inquiries on this matter, please send an email to communicationens-lyon [dot] fr (communication[at]ens-lyon[dot]fr) or an email or letter to the Communication department of ENS de Lyon (see above).